Sermon Library


We are still uploading Pastor Bob’s Sunday sermons to YouTube, Rumble and converting to audio podcasts for Podbean. You’ll also find many of his sermons in the categories below. He always had a heart for encouraging and equipping leaders and pastors.

Sermon Notes: Pastor Bob’s well-researched sermon notes and outlines are gradually being added to our Pastor Resources page and to If you come across a specific Sunday Sermon and would like the sermon notes and outlines for that message (or series), check the Pastoral Resource Page and/or or, please contact us and we’d be happy to send it to you.

Most of all, we pray that you will be blessed by the replays of Bob’s Sunday Sermons and may God use these messages to encourage, inspire and equip you for His working in the Kingdom.


Sermons on YouTube

You can find many of Pastor Bob’s sermon videos on our “The Epic Life - Bob Hallman” YouTube channel. We are still uploading many others so be sure to SUBSCRIBE and come back often.


Topical Sermons

Here, you will find various messages on topics such as trials, marriage & family, finances, discipleship, the reliability of the Bible and more! We hope we’ve made it easy for you to find the topic you want and help you be inspired by God’s Word!


Old Testament

This section was created to make it easy for you to find sermons related to books of the Old Testament. We are always updating and adding more videos, so be sure to come back often.
(Genesis, Exodus, Nehimiah & Jonah)


New Testament

You’ll enjoy these inspiring and encouraging sermon series! Complete, available series include Matthew, Ephesians, Colossians and Revelation. We are always updating and adding more, so be sure to come back often to see what’s new!

Pastoral Resources

Pastor Bob loves equipping other pastors and leaders. These messages equip Pastors in building and maintaining healthy churches.